Thursday, July 10, 2014

10 signs that show that You Have Been Single for Too Long

1. You have a keen interest in "every" good looking guy.

2. You live in your own "happily ever after world" with celebrities

3 If you have a friend who is also single for a long time, you end up fighting over T.V. stars and other fictional characters with her. In reality, you both know nobody is getting them.

4 You hate each and every party that has "COUPLES ENTRY ONLY ".

5 If you are "good looking", at first people won't believe that you're single and if they do, then they will question you, "WHY". In your mind, you're already punching them.

6. You no longer know how to share things.

7. You tend to become extremely picky. You end up finding ridiculous, microscopic and sometimes "non-existent flaws" in other men/women.


8.  Occasions like Valentines' day, torments you.

9. Watching couples do P.D.A (public display of affection), gives you a nauseated feeling.

10. But watching a Rom-Com, makes you believe in the fact that you will find THE ONE

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

6 signs that you have spotted a pervert

1. Those "drooling" stares.

2. Those attention seeking comments/likes/shares on each and every post and pic of yours. 

3. You spot him staring at your .........

4. They keep on sending texts, even if you show A NOT-INTERESTED BANNER.

5. Whenever they are on the road, there is a "YO YO Honey Singh's" track being played in their car. Not to mention in full volume & if you are "unlucky enough", they might even pass a lewd comment on you.

6. If you block them, they will try to reach you with new number or new Facebook id.

7 reasons of why is it awesome to be a SINGLE LADY

1. There are many fishes in the sea yet to be explored.

2 Many clubs have free or discounted entries for stag girls.

3 You don't have to report your whereabouts constantly to someone.

4 You don't have to worry about hanging out with your GUY-FRIENDS anytime anywhere. No handling of the post "I won't cheat on you" drama.

5  More ME TIME.

6 The unnecessary drama of remembering all silly anniversaries and planning for them is off the scene.

7. No silly "post fight trauma"

If you can do all the above and you're in a relationship, then YOU HAVE FOUND YOUR PRINCE. DON'T LET HIM GO!